I have heard more than one of my friends or family members share how quickly this year has gone by. It is true, this past year has been a whirlwind for may of us. It is said, that when we get busy we get better, often that is simply because we don't have "time" to feel anything else. In these final few days, I am hoping we can all take a pause to honestly feel what we need to feel; to process what needs processing. Then, to also allow the areas in our lives that are "getting better" to bubble up into our hearts and give us reason the pray the simplest of prayers, "thank you". Sitting for even just ten minutes to reflect on the miracle that lies within all of us, will give us energy to step into the new year renewed. It is this perspective that can set us apart and move us into great alignment with our Creator.
I have known all kinds of "higher powers" in my lifetime, many of them failed me. I was blinded by what I thought life should be like, and so I couldn't really see the truth of my Higher Power. In the transition; when I allowed the transformation, and finally, the understanding of a power greater than myself I found profound freedom. From this freedom, creative movement came into my will and washed into my life. Our Creator is not far away, this is the greatest discovery, to find this One is within. I was taught that we are created in God's image, but I had to learn what that image truly was, and I have realized that I will forever be learning this. To me, this is the greatest pursuit on this side of heaven. We are infinitely loved, rejoiced over, and delighted in. We don't ever have to walk in shame, accept unacceptable behavior or allow some to gaslight us. No, we are precious to the Divine and we are one. So let's embody this truth, and once and for all live as if...